Elevating the Game: The Impact of Live to Bench Replay Technology
Blog chevron-right Elevating the Game: The Impact of Live to Bench Replay Technology
Author GameStrat
Published Apr 2, 2024

Elevating the Game: The Impact of Live to Bench Replay Technology

Every day technology continues to evolve and seemingly make its way into every facet of our lives, and hockey is no exception. Introducing “Live to Bench Replay”, the revolutionary technological advancement that is changing the way hockey teams approach in-game adjustments, fostering a more dynamic and informed approach to the sport.

If you’ve watched hockey in the last 5 years, you’ve probably seen a picture similar to the one below of a coach or player looking at an iPad on the bench in between shifts, but what is the purpose?


London Knights Assistant Coach Dylan Hunter using GameStrat to make in-game adjustments.


What is the Purpose of Live to Bench Replay?

With the fast paced nature of a hockey game, it can be hard for the coach’s eye to spot every small intricate detail on the ice. Whether it’s a turnover in the neutral zone leading to an odd man rush, or a player out of position at the other end of the ice leading to a scoring chance, the coach can’t see it all! 


On top of that, even if a coach does identify a mistake, making in-game adjustments is tough, having minimal time to talk things over in between shifts. So oftentimes those small key details don’t get corrected until after a game. 


With live to bench replay systems like GameStrat, hockey coaches utilize iPads on the bench as a dynamic coaching tool to provide immediate visual feedback to their players in real time.


Brooks Bandits HC Ryan Papaioannou using GameStrat to make in-game adjustments.


I became 10x better at my job because now I don’t have to think I saw something - instantly I know. And if I know, then the players know. 

 -Ryan Papaioannou Head Coach & GM of the Brooks Bandits


How Does Live to Bench Replay Technology Work?



Live to bench replay technology is really quite simple and easy to setup and operate.


GameStrat’s plug & play system, creates its own WiFi network for all your iPads to connect to, ensuring a strong network connection no matter the rink you’re playing in.





Once connected to the network, video from the camera feed gets sent down instantly to the iPads where coaches & players can play the video back & forth and make the necessary adjustments in real time. 



To learn more about how the GameStrat system works, click here.


It makes it a lot easier to watch and coach the game. If you see that someone made a mistake on the ice, when you go to give them feedback you can watch it with them and show them exactly where they made the mistake. It’s that instant feedback and players today want that instant feedback.

-London Knights Assistant Coach Rick Steadman



London Knights players using GameStrat during a stoppage in play.


Future of Live to Bench Replay in Hockey


This instant access to visual analysis aids in reinforcing game plans, enhancing player understanding, and optimizing team performance during critical moments on the ice.

Live to bench replay in hockey isn't just a fancy gadget—it's a big deal. It's changing how the game is played, helping teams be at their best, and facilitating the development of players. 

Interested in learning more? Click here to see if GameStrat Live to Bench Replay would be a good fit for your team.

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